Making Habits Habitual


Easy ways to make your new habits stay habits


Habits live everywhere in our day to day lives without us even realizing it most of the time. They shape our actions, influence our success, and define our character. Whether you want to adopt healthier eating habits, become more productive, or cultivate a regular exercise routine, the key to success lies in your ability to stick with your habits consistently. That’s what this month’s Challenge is all about: keeping consistent with the habits we worked so hard on instilling in September. So let’s explore actionable strategies that are designed to help you stay committed to your goals and make those desired habits an integral part of your daily life.


1.) Start Small and Specific

One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to establish new habits is biting off more than they can chew. Instead of aiming for a complete overhaul of your daily routine, start small and specific. Break down your larger goals into manageable, bite-sized habits. For example, if your goal is to become a best-selling author, start by committing to write just 100 words per day. As those 100 words become a habit, you can gradually increase your daily word count. This approach makes your goals less daunting and easier to integrate into your daily life.

If you’re focusing on your wellness goals, start with 1000 steps per day and slowly build up. If this seems like too little, start bigger! You get the idea. 


2.) Set Clear Goals

To stick with your habits, it’s essential to have clear and well-defined goals. Define exactly what you want to achieve with your new habit and establish a specific timeline. Whether it’s gaining a specific set of toned muscles, saving an amount of money, or learning a new skill, having a clear target will give you a sense of purpose and motivation, as well as make the journey all the more visible. 


3.) Create a Routine

Consistency thrives in a structured environment. Establish a daily or weekly routine that includes your habit. For instance, if you want to exercise regularly, set a fixed time each day for your workout. By integrating your habit into your routine, it becomes more natural and less susceptible to procrastination.


4.) Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress is crucial for staying motivated and accountable. Use a journal, app, or even a simple calendar to record your daily or weekly progress. Seeing how far you’ve come can be incredibly motivating and help you stay on track during challenging times.


5.) Find Accountability Partners

With that same progress tracking in mind comes sharing your goals with someone who can hold you accountable.This is a powerful motivator. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or a coach, having someone to check in with and share your progress with can make a significant difference in your ability to stick with your habits.


6.) Focus on Consistency, Not Perfection

Perfectionism can be a major roadblock to maintaining habits. Understand that setbacks and occasional slip-ups are a natural part of the process. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Instead of dwelling on perfection, emphasize consistency. (This is key). Even on the days where you just can’t give 100%, remind yourself that doing something is better than doing nothing at all. That alone is something to take pride in. 


7.) Reward Yourself

This is the best part! Celebrate your achievements along the way. Remember to reward yourself when you hit milestones related to your habit. You deserve it. These rewards can act as positive reinforcement and make the habit more enjoyable. Just ensure that the rewards don’t contradict the purpose of your habit, such as binging on triggering foods after a week of healthy eating.


8) Stay Mindful and Flexible

Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes your routine may be disrupted. It’s key to remain flexible and adaptable. If you miss a day or face unexpected challenges, don’t get discouraged. This is in the same frame of mind when it comes to keeping consistent. Try your best, but don’t be so hard on yourself. If a setback comes along, acknowledge it and refocus on your habit the next day. The key is to maintain a growth mindset and not let temporary setbacks derail your progress.


Sticking with your habits is a skill that can significantly improve your life. By following these simple steps, you can master the art of habit formation. You can reach the goals you’re after. You can commit to you. Remember that habits take time to develop, so be patient with yourself. With determination and the right strategies, you can turn your desired habits into lasting, positive changes in your life and see real results. 

A true leader knows when to follow

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