Immunity Boost: easy ways to keep your health in check


Cold and flu season is like the wind: you can’t see it, but you can feel it… (Shout out to any “A Walk to Remember” fans there). Runny nose sniffles surrounding you on your commute to work, concerning coughs passing you on the street, the desire to have one thing back from pandemic days… 6 feet! It can get pretty icky out there during this time of the year. But that doesn’t mean that you have to feel icky, too. There are easy and practical ways to boost your immune system and arm yourself against the dreaded cold and flu season so you come out feeling better than your neighbour you can hear sneezing through the wall. 


Eat a Rainbow of Fruits and Veggies

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides essential vitamins and minerals that support your immune system. Try to incorporate a variety of colorful produce into your meals, such as citrus fruits, berries, leafy greens, carrots, and bell peppers. And if you can’t get them all onto your plate at once, try blending a mix of these items in your morning smoothie! You’d be surprised how much nutrients you can get into one morning beverage. 


Keep Chugging Your H20

The Stanley girlies are onto something, ok. Proper hydration is essential for a well-functioning immune system. If you’re peeing all day long, you’re doing something right. Remind yourself to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out toxins and keep your body running smoothly. Even setting an alarm to pour your next glass of water can be helpful to staying on track. Herbal teas and broths can also provide extra nourishment, or try adding supplements to your water to double the efficacy. 


Prioritize Sleep

This should be easy considering this is everyone’s favourite time of the year to hibernate. Quality sleep is like a secret weapon for your immune system! Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night to help your body repair and regenerate, especially in these harsher seasons. You’ll feel a world of difference even if you’re getting one more hour than you typically do. And if you struggle to fall asleep or can’t find a sleep routine that works for you, I’ve shared a blog post on the topic before that might be helpful!


Stress Management

It’s no secret that stress is one of the main factors to consider when it comes to balancing your levels of wellness. If you haven’t already, you need to incorporate stress-reduction practices and techniques into your daily routine. Meditation, breathwork (check out the app for that!), yoga, getting outside for a walk, the list goes on… Chronic stress can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses. It’s worth making a little time for you and creating the space in your brain for yourself and your wellbeing. 



Luckily, you’re in exactly the right place for this! Moderate, consistent exercise has been shown to boost immune function. You don’t need to become a fitness fanatic; even a 30-minute walk or a home workout a few times a week can make a significant impact on your overall health. Throw on an on-demand video from the Shaep platform and give yourself a little sweat to help keep your immune system strong. 


Wash Your Hands

Sing the Happy Birthday song to yourself and get those pretty little hands clean. Please. 


Supplement Wisely

Certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc, can help support your immune system all year round. If you struggle to get these nutrients through your diet, consider consulting with a healthcare professional to discover which supplements might be right for you. Your body will thank you!


Keep Your Space Germ-Free

Lysol wipes should be your in-season BFF. Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and yes, even your phone, to reduce the risk of infection. This simple step can help keep your living and workspaces germ-free! Plus, we love a clean living space. 


Pretty easy, right? Boosting your immune system during cold and flu season doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. It’s these little steps and pointers that will help make a significant difference in how you feel over the next few months. Nobody likes to be sick, so take the time to start practicing and adopting these habits, and before you know it you’ll be better equipped to fend off those seasonal bugs and enjoy a sniffle-free winter!

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