The Shaep Seasonal Gift Guide


I know your feed is inundated with gift guides and curated shopping lists at this time of the year, but don’t you find they’re usually not all that helpful? Either the price points are in the Goop range, or the top picks aren’t even close to what you’re looking for. I know I’m not alone in this, so that’s why I’m making it an annual tradition to share that Shaep Seasonal Gift Guide: Wellness Edition. If you’re ready to start making a dent in your holiday shopping list, or if you feel like your own wish list needs a bit of beefing up, it’s time to start taking notes. 



For the person who loves sleep – a good sleep

A sound machine, sunrise alarm, smart light, meditation app, and an alarm clock all in one, this little machine is the must have for those who value a good night’s rest. A smart sleep assistant of the future, Hatch offers a variety of accessories and two main Hatch devices to help you slip into a sweet slumber. They even have systems for kids! With a resume of helping over 3 million people get to sleep, Hatch is all about natural sleep, healthy routines, and finding what works best for you to get those high quality Zzzzs.

You can pick your present preference here


Mount Lai The Jade Massaging Comb

For the habitual haircare person

We need to talk about how incredible a good scalp massage feels. It might be the best part of going to the hair salon. This holiday season, instead of making your friends or family suffer through the lengthy wait between salon visits, help bring the salon experience to them! This lux jade massaging comb is hand-carved and specifically designed for the most dreamy head and scalp massage. It’s proven to improve blood circulation, reduce tension, and promote relaxation. Super easy to use and definitely a beauty item they’ll be reaching for every hairwash day. 

Find the new haircare bestie here!



For the person who wants a Hollywood looking lift without looking like a Hollywood lift

I LOVE this. If you can get your hands on this little miracle device and wrap it up for your loved one, they are going to love you back until the end of time. NuFACE offers a range of products and devices, their most popular being the devices designed to give you a mini facelift in just 5 minutes. NuFACE uses microcurrents to tone your facial structure and as such provides a non-invasive and at-home solution for facial toning and contouring. The microcurrent technology involves low-level electrical currents that are believed to stimulate the muscles and tissues of the face, promoting a firmer and more toned appearance. Of course, results may vary, but it’s always fun to try something new and shiny, right?!

Gift the gift of a NuFACE!


The Wonder Oven

For the kitchen magician 

If the chef in your life has a countertop that hasn’t seen the light of day in god knows how long simply because of the abundance of appliances that sprawl across it, this is the gift for them. The Wonder Oven is a 6-in-1 air fryer and toaster oven with steam infusion, conveniently sized, and ready to air fry, bake, roast, toast, reheat, and broil. For a crispy exterior and soft, moist interior, The Wonder Oven is the ultimate kitchen appliance that both serves a purpose and looks. 

It’s on sale!


Weighted Blanket

For the person who needs a little more cozy and a little less anxiety in their life. 

I always get asked about this blanket whenever it makes an appearance on my IG. It looks like it could be a designer throw right from Holt Renfrew, but it’s actually both beautiful and functional. This 15 pound beauty provides the ultimate stress relief after a long day and wraps you up like that comforting, warm hug you’re craving. Weighted blankets are designed to provide deep touch pressure (DTP), a form of tactile sensory input that has been associated with various therapeutic benefits, including stress relief. One cuddle with this elite blanket and your Secret Santa will notice a calming effect, improved sleep quality, reduced cortisol levels, and reduced anxiety levels (yes please!). Trust me – whoever it is – they need this blanket. 

Wrap up this wrappable blanket this holiday season!


Summer Fridays 

For the person who loves a hydrated lip 

These have been around for a bit now but they keep coming out with delicious flavours and colours that I can’t stay away from! They’re the perfect stocking stuffer and are sure to suit anyone on your list. From peppermint to vanilla, you can go with a seasonal tone or keep it simple and classic. 

Pucker up with this prezzie!


Glossier Candle

For the person who loves to create a vibe 

There’s nothing quite like snuggling into the couch or soaking into a hot bath right after lighting your favourite candle. Let the scent fill the air and create a calming vibe that washes your week away. Glossier, a company once known for their cult-fav eyebrow gel and apparel, now has a stunning collection of candles. My fav of the season? The new green sandstone scent. Perfect for the holidays and a gift that lasts longer than the next month. 

Light up your Secret Santa’s life this season!



For the person who puts comfort over style 

Just trust me on this. With a variety of styles (one sometimes more hideous than the next), there’s a version of Croc for everyone in your life. Have fun with it! 

Join the Croc Cult!  


That should do some damage to your shopping list this season! I hope you enjoy some relaxing time with your loved ones and those closest to you, while also reminding yourself to take some time for you. When things get busy, take a breath and remember that even one little walk around the block or one quick 15 minute movement can make the world of a difference in how you show up for the day. 

Happy holidays! xx


A true leader knows when to follow

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